Hello, it's us again. As we have posted on the site in other places we have recently been adopted by Holly. She is a lovely girl and has settled in really well with a lovely smile and enjoys getting plenty of love and affection. We have a problem in that she has only eaten the odd meal since we have had her. At first we thought it was because she was settling in and may be fretting a little. We have tried; Pedigree dry food which came with her when we brought her home, Labrador life which we also had as a donation from Jan, (doesn't like either of those)

. Since then we have tried; Burns diet dry food, tinned dog food (does not like those either), asda meat in sachets with their own brand mixer (some days yes, some days no), and of course, when we get desparate, tinned steak (loves that !!) eggs on toast (loves that too, but the vet was not happy at all, can still hear him moaning

) and stew (loves that too !!). She needed to loose a little weight which she has done, and with all the exercise she is getting we are worried that she needs to eat more. On the odd occasion when I am away from home, although the family are still with her, she does not eat at all for as long as I am away. Any suggestions please, we keep being told that our food is bad for her, and we know that dogs can play on our emotions but we are worried she is not getting enough to eat and at the moment we are trying every dog food we can to tempt her to eat. What do you all do please ? p.s. will eat any treat we care to give her