
Share your feeding plans, preferences on food choices and any hints & tips on feeding related matters or nutrition

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Post by patnpaul »

Hello, it's us again. As we have posted on the site in other places we have recently been adopted by Holly. She is a lovely girl and has settled in really well with a lovely smile and enjoys getting plenty of love and affection. We have a problem in that she has only eaten the odd meal since we have had her. At first we thought it was because she was settling in and may be fretting a little. We have tried; Pedigree dry food which came with her when we brought her home, Labrador life which we also had as a donation from Jan, (doesn't like either of those) :cry: . Since then we have tried; Burns diet dry food, tinned dog food (does not like those either), asda meat in sachets with their own brand mixer (some days yes, some days no), and of course, when we get desparate, tinned steak (loves that !!) eggs on toast (loves that too, but the vet was not happy at all, can still hear him moaning :oops: ) and stew (loves that too !!). She needed to loose a little weight which she has done, and with all the exercise she is getting we are worried that she needs to eat more. On the odd occasion when I am away from home, although the family are still with her, she does not eat at all for as long as I am away. Any suggestions please, we keep being told that our food is bad for her, and we know that dogs can play on our emotions but we are worried she is not getting enough to eat and at the moment we are trying every dog food we can to tempt her to eat. What do you all do please ? p.s. will eat any treat we care to give her
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Post by labres1 »

I'm no expert and i'm sure Jan will be along shortly to add years of experience to the conversation but..

She will eat when she's hungry. Changing her food so many times probably isnt helping as it takes time to get them settled. The Pero Lab Life is great and we are just in the process of changing our 4 over to it over the next couple of weeks - also, we have also used chappie complete which has always met approval from our vets.

When my Ben died, our other 2 girls didnt eat at all for a couple of weeks and it was almost 2 months before they were back to normal.

As long as there are offerenings like steak etc being given when she doesnt eat she is likely to ignore the boring stuff knowing she will get something nice if she waits long enough..

We bought a measuring cup from the pet store and measure the dogs food out - They all eat less than the pack suggests for their weights
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Post by patnpaul »

Thanks, we will try and stick to the same food but it is difficult if she does not eat it to know whether it is because she does not like it or just does not want to eat it. We have thrown a lot of food away, Jan did suggest that we only leave it down for a short period which we do, but it does not seem to change her need or desire to eat. We stopped with the steak and stew after the vet ADVISED that we were misguided !! although she only eat's on and off, she does not beg, steal food or try to pick up anything while we are out walking. She does like the doggy advent calendar though!!
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Post by janrobinson »

it is a worry when they don't eat but as Ian says they will eat when they are hungry and to keep changing gives out the wrong message but if you want to try just giving tinned meat at first with no biscuits. Butchers tripe is a good one to get them going. A few spoonfuls at a time. Little and often because I think this girl has been a grazer and has been spoiled with her previous owner giving her our food.
She obviously has eaten in the past or she wouldn't have been so heavy
and as she is very active I don't think she has a thyroid problem.

You are probaly getting worked up every time you put her food down and she will pick up on that and think what is the matter perhaps I am not supposed to eat this, Try to relax about her food.
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Post by hairydog »

I can only agree with what Jan and Ian have said if you keep changing their food they will know that they can manipulate you, my two love the Buchers Tripe always goes down well in fact when the tin is opened 2 noses appear .Also I give Lucy, James Wellbeloved, Paddy is on Hills to maintain his weight now,but if she was heavy before then she definately likes her food... :)
Good luck.

Post by Eastonwolfs »

I'm no expert but I agree with everyone else...I think you have to stop giving her human foods and treats as she'll easily live off these.

Decide what dog food to give her and keep to that with a bit of perserverance.

We give Amber Burns but a reduced amount with some tinned dog food in it. She won't eat dried food without a bit of meat.

I wouldn't worry about her not eating...its early days for Holly as yet and she seems very happy in every other respect...you need to remember this as you've got a very happy dog and I can't see a happy dog starving itself.

On that note if you've ever seen a dog that has been starved and undernourished its because they haven't been fed by neglectful owners. I've never heard of a dog intentionally starving itself as they are natural eaters.

AND. Don't worry you're doing a good job!
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Post by patnpaul »

Thank you all for your encouragement. We are now giving her sachets of pal with lot's of gravy in it and a handful of biscuits (pero lab life) which she is eating as soon as it hits the floor (last 2 days anyway) so we might be on the right track. She has not had any of our food for over a month but has just been hit and miss with eating, we seem to have found what she likes now so fingers crossed !! We will keep you all posted on holly's progress.
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Post by janrobinson »

Well done. You are now on the right track. Look forward to hearing more news

Jan xx
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

Fussy eaters - sometimes they prefer a slight change

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

We've been giving our dogs James Wellbeloved for many years, primarily due to Jasmine, a Golden who was going through all kinds of trauma, due to domestic circumstances beyond her control, she was pulling her hair out and she also had a severe fox mite problem that required a weekly bath in an obnoxius shampoo, 6 weeks of this in December & January, Jasmine also had colitis,because of the stress she was suffering, we found JWB for seniors really helped put her back on track, she couldn't afford to be a fussy eater as the other two would have scoffed the lot if they hadn't been supervised at meal times. Occaisonally one of them has turned their nose up, but we have always found that two teaspoons of tuna (brine drained) works every time, every other 15kg bag we change the flavour. Ocean white fish seems to be a favourite, they also like 'Pero' which came with Cobi. Everything that has been said previously is right, your dog will 'try it on', but they will eat when they are hungry, and they will tell you when it's breakfast or dinnertime, they have an inbuilt clock!
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Post by hairydog »

Have any of you also noticed with the nights drawing in,your dog wants his dinner earlier?
Its very difficult to say "its not time yet" when my two are both sitting in the cupboard where the food is kept. :)
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Post by patnpaul »

Going well now, 3 days running both morning and evening meal down in one. We have reduced the portion size a little, and cut back on the treats although she wasn't getting many, and all seems well. Will keep you updated. Thanks
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Post by CarolynM »

I know what you mean Kathryn :D

I made the mistake of putting a light on yesterday at 3.30 and they thought it was time for tea!! I am going to have to sit in the gloom from now on :(
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Post by patnpaul »

Just to let you all know Holly has now settled down and is eating regularly, she seems to mind who gives it to her though !! :? if the kids feed her she eats staight away, if we feed her she waits a while. The other interesting thing, the pedigree chum mixer she won't touch at any price for her dinner, she will happily take as treats when out for a walk !!! Still, she is happy :D
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Post by janrobinson »

Don't they all have their funny little ways. Just like us really. I think I probably have more funny ways than anyone and I don't want anyone agreeing with me.

I am so pleased that Holly has got over that little hiccough. Perhaps even now she may sense that you are or were tense when feeding her and that's why she hesitates I expect that will stop soon. Isn't it wonderful when your dog loves it's dinner and eats it all quickly especially when ypu have had a problem previously. Well done. She really is a lovely girl.
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