Interested in adopting a Golden Retriever?

The adoption of a Golden Retriever is a considerable, but extremely rewarding comittement which should be discussed and considered by the family as a whole before proceeding. Retrievers can be expected to live for approximately 12-15 years and should therefore not be seen as a short term committement but as a major part of family life for some considerable time to come.

It is also important when considering adoption, that you consider your current and possible future circumstances and take time to select the right animal for your home and situation. Try to be open minded and do not discount an older dog as these have many qualities and just as much love to give as a younger animal.

Before proceeding down the adoption path, please read our Golden Retriever Information Sheet to find out what the breed is really like and help you make a more informed decision about adoption.

If you continue the adoption process and find yourself with a new family member please bear in mind that a dog may take anything from a day to 6 or 7 weeks to become fully settled in his new surroundings. Whatever the reason the dog was put up for adoption, he/she will have undergone a huge upheaval, being moved to our kennels and then to your home. You may well do things differently than his previous owner, he will be in a strange environment and will have new routines to learn.

We will always endevour to give you as much information about your new dog as we have available, and time will have been taken to make sure you have the right dog for your circumstances but please be prepared to give your new dog the time, reassurance and patience he/she will need to settle. We are always available to offer advice and support at any time.

If you are still interested in adopting a Golden Retriever, Give Jan a ring on 01257 262416. She will have a chat with you and help you take things further.