Favourite Treats

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Favourite Treats

Post by Eastonwolfs »

Hello everyone

What food treat/s do you give your dog/s?
How often do they get them, or what do they have to do to 'earn' them?

Here its a Bonio...half or one a day...Amber standing by the kitchen cupboard (where they are kept) looking hopeful seems to get the message across...she always gives a paw for one to say thank you.

Pigs ears are the ultimate favourite treat...OR a roast dinner! But these are not all the time...just on special ocassions... :2058:

Re: Favourite Treats

Post by julie »

Honey loves Markies or Gravy Bones and I must admit she does get a 3-4 a day. Is this too many?? She's always had to at least sit to receive a treat; we started as a command reward and now she sits to recieve a treat automatically (and I usually get at least a paw shake or a love as well - boney chop kisses are delicious NOT!!) The only treats she doesn't like are hard meaty ones like Rodeos. We recently got some new biscuit bones made by Oscar; meaty, fishy, even slimmers that go down a treat.

She also knows exactly where her treat jar is kept and can tell me (or anyone else) when she thinks it's time for a treat.

Her ultimate treat is a pigs ear; these are reserved for special rewards like after a trip to the vets. She can do a very quick disappearing act with a pigs ear - she'd be delighted to show anybody how it's done!

I've just got a recipe for homemade biscuits which we're going to try out; I say we as Honey supervises me closely when I bake. If they are OK, the recipe might go over to Sam's Mum. Think I'll leave it to Honey and her canine buddies to do the taste test tho!
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by hairydog »

Mine get a Dentarask in the evening for their "pudding" ! and the odd rodeo smackoo etc after their morning walk.I have to be careful what I give Paddy as he is allergic to Beef, lamb, wheat, so no raw hide chews, or bics as they have the wheat in them,but they do love the odd chopped up carrot or apple...
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by janrobinson »

I thought to myself " mine don't get treats" but they do.

After their breakfast they get two spoons of porridge each ( I make extra for them as I am making mine" After tea they get a gravy bone each and another one at bedtime, When I am making tea they wait for their pieces of carrot and woe betide me if I am not having carrots as there is a lot of whining and stamping of feet untill they get them.

If I am baking they wait for the leftovers from the bowl. have to leave enough for the three of them. They sit in a semicircle round me as soon as I get out the flour and scales. They leave me in no doubt as to what they want. :2361:

Just a P S to this lot I had forgotten that at teatime when I have my sweet which usually consists of fruit with plain yoghurt as I put my yoghurt out they wait for a spoonful( a large spoonful) in each dish. Not spoilt at all these three. :2008:
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by gordons mum and dad »

Our Gordon went to stay with his Auntie Jackie yesterday whilst we were in London. Whilst I was on the train I had a text saying that Auntie Jackie and Gordon had just had macaroni cheese on toast for lunch. Not spoilt at all!!!! No wonder he has no problem going to Auntie Jackies!! :thumbleft

Re: Favourite Treats

Post by oscar12 »

pigs ears only occasionally as they are so salty and create such a thirst...in fact sows ears are much bigger and last longer but they are hard to come by recently. i dont know any dog owners whose animals arent just crazy for them, however i baulk when i see the ones that are hairy!! mine also had some pigs trotters to chew on... the dog was kept quiet for over an hour but the bitch had a sniff and turned her nose up at hers! clearly not a fan of smokey bacon...
i have owned 3 goldens and every one was partial to a piece of cheese as a treat and also adored a bit of porridge or the leftovers of natural yoghurt.
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by hairydog »

Yes.... forgot the yoghurt my two love it..

Re: Favourite Treats

Post by SPLODGE »

My two get 2 or 3 Shapes when I leave them and say "Goodbye. I won't be long"! as you do. They get a chew stick when we get in from a walk and a Bonio at bedtime. Not that they're spoilt or anything :1960
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by Ellas mum »

Ella gets a J.W.B. biscuit bone after her food. She goes and sits by the box, (it's on view), if it's not forthcoming immediately, she gets quite vocal :1954: She always get's one after her walks too.
She absolutely loves any salad or raw veg. This has supprised me as non of our previous dogs would touch it. I don't overdo it, and she's never had any tummy problems, but I do wonder if there's anything I should avoid.
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Re: Favourite Treats

Post by lynn wise »

Ours like fish Jerky, or Sea Biscuits. They smell awful, but the dogs go mad for them. A little dog down the road wants to be my best friend ever since I gave her some.
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