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Not very sensible
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:17 am
by SueandTim
Does anyone else have a bundle of joy that insists on lying in the full baking sun in the middle of the day...
Re: Not very sensible
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:24 am
by SueandTim
Sorry, can't get the picture to display.
We have to constantly move Toby to the shade or indoors, he doesn't seem to want to lie in a sensible position at all.
A sun worshipping golden!
Re: Not very sensible
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:42 am
by lynn wise
All our Goldens have sun bathed, even Fern as started to do it. A good roll on their backs then legs in the air. Go in the shade usually only lasted a short time before they were creeping back. The look on their faces was just ecstatic.
Re: Not very sensible
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:11 am
by janrobinson
One of my oldies Poppy used to love sunbathing. Such a worry really but I had to keep moving her and she would humour me by going to the spot in the shade I had pointed out and as soon as I turned around she was back in the sun. I used to give her a few more minutes then we all had to go inside. Just one of the joys of being owned by a Golden.

Re: Not very sensible
Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:08 pm
by Mr Grumpy
A photo of Fern sunbathing. Not very good as she does a runner when you approach her with something in your hand.

Re: Not very sensible
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:13 pm
by lenny
Snowy comes outside in the garden if ever I’m sat outside , and refuses to stay in the shade even thought he has plenty especially under the carport , I’ve tried moving things round so he has shade but he soon moves to another part of the garden . It usually ends up with me going back into the house ., or sometimes going back in then having to shut the patio door where he just sits behind it making me feel guilty . He’s thirteen now but unfortunately hasn’t fully learnt that staying in the shade would be far better for him , and a lot less work for me .