One for the first aid kit
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:44 am
Just thought I would pass this on.
On our recent forays we have had one or other of the dogs getting the squits. Whilst away last week Willow started, too many windfall apples! We went into town one day to the Pets at Home store, I bought a tube of Logic paste to try, miracles of miracles, it worked just after one dose. Woody started when we got home, something smelly but delicious had been found. 2 doses and he was right as rain.
Both were fit and well other than being loose, otherwise it would have been to the Vets.
Thought this was worth a mention on here as I'm sure that we will all have dogs that can't resist treasure of the stinky sort.
There is also a paste called Pro kolin that works as well as the logic. DEFINATELY one for the first aid kit.
On our recent forays we have had one or other of the dogs getting the squits. Whilst away last week Willow started, too many windfall apples! We went into town one day to the Pets at Home store, I bought a tube of Logic paste to try, miracles of miracles, it worked just after one dose. Woody started when we got home, something smelly but delicious had been found. 2 doses and he was right as rain.
Both were fit and well other than being loose, otherwise it would have been to the Vets.
Thought this was worth a mention on here as I'm sure that we will all have dogs that can't resist treasure of the stinky sort.
There is also a paste called Pro kolin that works as well as the logic. DEFINATELY one for the first aid kit.