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Latest on Roo

Post by sammingtonsmythes »

Roo managed to pull her incision open and get it a little gooey, so Dr. Edmunson thought it was better to replace the sutures with staples.

I am so grateful to the amazing care from Drs. Edmunson and Schlanger at Brent Air and their whole
staff, because there is no way to fake what happened when Roo and I arrived there.

The Roo Kahoo marched herself straight into the vet's office without any hesitation. She paused the tiniest bit about being brought into the back without me, but went without complaint as soon as I accompanied her through the door.

After her staples were put in and she came back out, she was absolutely fine, no more nervous than any dog at the vet. Brent Air Veterinary's work with pets is the reason it is called medical "care".

And again, Roo gave me another reason to be proud of her.

The drive across all of the United States starts on Friday, following a move out of my space. Between the move and Roo time to properly finish Part Five of Notes from a Rescue in progress has been hard to come by - but it is almost done and on the way. It's an important update, and I want to do it justice. I hope you'll still be interested after all this time. It will be up soon.
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