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Post by marianne »

I have always been really lucky with Jasper, he has never humped( only his bed ). We had him " done " when he was about 14months mainly because dog trainers and other dog owners recommend it.And bedsides we did n,t want to breed from him.

He is going to be 3yrs in January and he has just started to hump other dogs, not every dog but younger dogs or other goldies or Labradors,and they seem to be other boys. First he runs around and plays with them, then he gets on their back and starts humping.
The bizarre thing is the other dogs don,t seem to mind.
I pull him off apologise then walk off quickly. Is this a stage or an age thing and how do I stop him.

Re: Humping

Post by Hel_Pen »


It's a dominance thing. Daisy used to 'hump' her sister Jazz, usually when I left the room or area where they were, saying while Mum isn't here I'm boss. She didn't really grow out of it, but she wasn't doing it all the time either. He may well grow out of it as he comes through his teenage years into adulthood.


Re: Humping

Post by sammingtonsmythes »

Hi Marianne
Ellie always used to do this to Sam and he just accepted in.She was putting him in his placesaying (i am top dog)She can't do it with Monty as he wriggles away but he doesn't do it with her i think they are equals.
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Re: Humping

Post by lenny »

re minds me of the joke.
Three dogs sat in the vets waiting room, the first one says to the second dog why are you here , the second dog says my owners say im too lively so im having my nuts off. the second dog asks the first dog why hes there he says hes a digger and his owner is sick of her garden being dug up so hes having his nuts off. they both turn to the third dog and ask why is he here, he says he humps everything and the other day his mistress had just got out of the bath and just had a towel round her, she bent down to wash the bath and he just couldn't resist himself. So your here to have your nuts off as well say the two dogs. No says the third dog im here to get my nails clipped.
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Re: Humping

Post by lynn wise »

Ooh Lenny :1945: :1945: :1945:
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Re: Humping

Post by janrobinson »

Lenny I am shocked :1960:

Re: Humping

Post by marianne »

Very funny.

I always though Jasper was a Wimp, if a dog snaps at him he backs off, or if he sees a dog he does n,t like he hides in the bushes, maybe he is getting older and more confident. I don,t want to be the dog owner people avoid as a few dogs always do it to Jasper and normally when I see them i quickly walk down a different path. The last dog he did it to was a 6 month lab, maybe for a month or so if I see a young dog i will quickly put him on the lead and not let him play.
Funny thing is I always thought humping dogs needed to be done.
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Re: Humping

Post by lynn wise »

Our Woody really takes exception to dogs that try to hump him. He gives them very short thrift, won't wear it at any price.
On our walks, if someone's dog tries it on, I warn them what he'll do. We put him on the lead but so many other dog owners are oblivious to their dogs antics. When the balloon goes up, it's then Woodys fault :2011: Cross or what?
He is getting better at ignoring them, but it's when they keep on pestering, he'll only allow so much.
We had the same problem with Timber, I'm sure they smell different when they are neutered, the other dogs don't care about Willow, it's always the boys.
I must admit, it makes for a strong argument for neutering in my book.
We meet occassionally, a black lab on the moor. Mum never puts him on the lead, so it's world war 3 by the time she gets to us. We also used to meet a black standard poodle that had his brains know where...It pestered the life out of Timber, followed us all around the moor. A Bl---y nuisance. David is a man of few words, but got sick of it, and gave the owner an absolute earful. Needless to say, I was embarrassed when I met her. Although in full agreement with t'other arf.
Woody does try it on with Willow at times, usually when they are both excited when playing. You see him nuzzle her ears, then in for the kill. A quick" dirty boy" does the trick. Down goes the head, "ooh sorry mum" look.

Re: Humping

Post by superjazz »

Well we do seem to be touching on some delicate, or should I say indelicate, matters here. Burping , trumping , humping.
I wonder if you remember a recent debate on Identity Cards for all Citizens. Some dogs thought it a good idea, it was thought better than sniffing each others bottoms.

P, S J & C

Re: Humping

Post by marianne »

Hi, since my last post we have had no humping, but the weird thing is lots of other dogs are now humping Jasper, some even hump the wrong end. Jasper lucky doesn't,t seem to mind , apart from one dog who he did snap at.
Is it an age thing? or is it that Jasper is sooo good looking other dogs can,t resit.?
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Re: Humping

Post by lynn wise »

Hi Marianne,

Think the humping is when dogs that have been "done" smell different to an entire boy. A lot of our doggy walk friends have experienced the same thing. Good reason to have them neutered in my book., it stops them pestering other boys.

Sounds as though it's worked on your boy too.


Re: Humping

Post by marianne »

hi Lyn, the funny thing is when the other dogs were doing it to jasper, all the owners said " my dogs been done ", but when the Labradoodle did it to Jasper, and Jasper snapped at him, he hadn,t been done. I think your right done dogs smell different.
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