I love it when the dogs do play fight. Although, manys the time when folks not in the "know" have questioned whether they are JUST playing. You'd think they were going to take lumps out of each other. What with the show of teeth and the growling, it looks quite formidable. But then, it's the way mums teach the young in the animal world.
Will there be more pics Lynda? (seeing as there's a new camera)
Lynn, I would say that is a definate, I have 'pooled' all my Christmas money and bought another camera, couldn't use it this morning, CAMERA SHAKE...Ginnie was 'pulling for England' on her 50ft rope... she knows I'm not as strong as Hubby, so it was a battle of wills, I won this time!
If anyone wants to send any photos through the private message system for 2010 calendar I would be grateful.