A gentle and kind little soul that still can be so afraid at times. Not learned that no one gets smacked here, but still afraid when you have an arm up. An absolute joy to have as she is so gentle. A couple of weeks ago we had 2 drakes on the canal bank having a squabble over a lady duck. Fern went up to them and stood over sniffing them, the ducks never batted an eye at her. " Just shows how kind she is "says I to David. Over time she's taught herself tricks, paws, beg, twirl and smacks her lips when she thinks it's time for food. We haven't tried to teach her things as she gets in a panic, so it's just been my words to something she's done that's been picked up on. A bright little spark.
Thanks to Jan and to Jess that rescued her. So much for " no more".
Take care all and stay safe in these bad times.