Holly has an aggressive tumour

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Hollys Mum

Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Hollys Mum »

I am writing this with a heavy sad heart. We have been to the vet today as Holly has a tumour on the outside of her mouth. The vet has said it is an aggressive tumour and that her lymph nodes in her neck are all swollen too. Due to her age and the fact that she has numerous lumps and bumps surgery is not a good option but we are going to try steroid treatment to slow down the tumour growth and also give her tramadol for any pain she may be experiencing. She still has a hearty appetite and, although she can only manage short walks due to her arthritic hips which she is on Yumove for, she still has good quality of life. I have cried so many tears, it does not help that I have a cat who is 13 and is also deteriorating healthwise. I know that I am lucky to have had Holly for 11years now, she was 12 in November but I have such a lump in my stomach at the prospect of losing her. :blue: :cry3: I have tears rolling down my face now!! She is such a darling, never been any trouble and so faithful. :2362:
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Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by janrobinson »

Oh dear. this is the hard part of owning a dog. As long as she is happy then every day is a bonus. Sometimes Goldens confound vets when they carry on much longer than they ever thought they could so don't give up hope She is lucky to have such a loving home with you.

I am thinking of you


Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by superjazz »

Poor Holly so sorry to read of her condition. We hope the steroids work , we echo Jan's comment on how Goldens can bounce back. Our best wishes to you .
Pat , Syd & Katie
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Hollys Mum »

Thank you for your kind words :love4 Holly is starting her steroids on wednesday as you have to stop metacam for one week before taking the steroids. She has been her short walk with me where we saw about ten deer. She had her usual gambol and all fours in the air which she loves. She is now resting and I have given her a tramadol with her food. She is eating very well and has even watched me doing my ten miles on the exercise bike. She must think I am mad :1967 Taking her back to see the vets the week after to see how the steroids are doing.
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Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by janrobinson »

we are all concerned for you and Holly so please keep us posted on her progress. Don't forget I am always on the other end of the phone is you need me


Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Mickey »

So sorry and saddened to hear about Holly. I do so hope that the treatment goes well. Best wishes.
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Hollys Mum »

Holly has started her steroids, its her fourth day today 10mg twice daily. She is panting a lot which vet said could happen and I have also given her a tramadol this morning. Our cat Buttons who was 13yrs 9months passed away in the early hours of this morning so emotionally I am a wreck!! Thanks for all your comments, its lovely to know I have someone to talk to if I need to. :love5 :cry3:

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Mickey »

So sorry to hear about Buttons. Hope all goes well with Holly. Thinking of you in this difficult time.

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by vickic »

So sorry to read your news about Holly and now Buttons - what a horrible time you must be having. My only advice is to take each day as it comes and 'try to keep the secret' from Holly. I don't know if it would help you at all but I am a member of a facebook group called Golden Retrievers uk which have just raised 15000 for research by The Animal Health Trust for research into canine cancer - it is called Zoe's Journey. Zoe's mum has been through this with Zoe, her golden, and she is now in remission. I know that she would be happy to talk to you about her 'journey'.

Kind regards and thinking of you,

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Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by lynn wise »

So very sorry to hear about Holly and now Buttons. Such a dreadful time for you, you must be so worried. I'm sure we all are thinking of you and Holly at this time, and wishing you a good outcome.
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Hollys Mum »

Have been to the vets with Holly today. I have had to halve the steroid dose to 10mg as poor Holly was panting all the time and extremely lethargic and fatigued. The vet has said today that the lymphnodes have reduced in size, that it is cancer and will spread but to treat her with the steroids and tramadol. He has advised us to try to give her 10mg in morning and 5mg in the evening but, if it affects her quality of life, to reduce it back to 10mg daily along with the tramadol. Poor Holly did the splits in the vets on the bare floor so she has had two tramadol today and lots of love and encouragement. The important thing is now to give her good quality of life and lots of love. :love6 :love5 :love3 Thanks for all your kind words, I appreciate it all xxxxx Lesley, Steve and Holly :2362:

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by superjazz »

Thanks for update on Holly , its good to read the lymph nodes are reducing in size. Hope the medication has the desired effect on the cancer. The love and affection and encouragement will do wonders for her. Our very best wishes to you all.
Pat , Syd & Katie.
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Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by janrobinson »

Keep up the good work. Love and care does a lot. Did you get my message from Lynda. :love4
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Hollys Mum »

Yes thanks Jan, got your message from Lynda. Holly has had a wonderful day today, a short walk where she has done her usual gambol and then laid on the lawn whilst I was doing some weeding in the borders. She loves the outsides, I think Goldies love the outdoors anyway, Holly has never liked to be cooped up indoors anyway. Holly has no problems tummy wise, its just the panting that the steroids cause according to the vet. She has thoroughly enjoyed this weekend playing ball with her two balls and lying in the fresh air. :love6 :love5 :thumbsup: Lesley, Steve and Holly xxxxx

Re: Holly has an aggressive tumour

Post by Airclan »

I'm so sorry to hear you lost Buttons and are going through this with Holly.
I wish Holly the best with her treatment. Although it's difficult try to remember to keep smiling, happiness is a great tonic (and you need a share of that tonic too).
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