Ooh aaaarrrr!

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Ooh aaaarrrr!

Post by bentley »

So we've been living in Devon for a whole two weeks now. I'd love to say we're well settled in our own place now but we aren't in it yet. We still officially have no fixed abode.

Not that Bentley cares where we live as long as he gets his daily walk on the beach. Hopefully we'll be in our own place next Monday. Keep your fingers and paws crossed.

Bentley has made lpts of new friends both canine and human and in fact spent all day yesterday at a heelwork to music workshop which was great fun.

Not quite so successful with the new vet. He upset Bentley so much that he had a fit a couple of hours after going. We won't be going back to that particular vet - I don't think we have anything in common at all. Since then we've found a much more sympathetic lady vet who I'm sure we'll get on famously with.

No pictures yet of Bentley romping in the sea/woods/fields around here. The internet is proving to be less than reliable and I'm working off a laptop at the mo. Brace yourself for a flood of photos when we're up and running properly.

Well, that's the update for now. Hope everyone is ok 'Up North'
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Re: Ooh aaaarrrr!

Post by lynn wise »

Wonderful news Lesley, hope all goes well for next monday. Sorry to hear about Bentleys trip to the Vets, he needs a sympathetic ear, fortunately you seem to have found someone better. We have had a couple of trips to the Vets whilst on holiday over the years, thankfully they have been great to deal with.
Our friends from Suffolk had a bad experience last year, Jill knew there was something amiss with little Gem and went to her Vets at home on numerous occasions before embarking on the trip to Cornwall, they said she was fine. When they finally got down to us Gem wasn't on top form, so off to a Vet in Wadebridge, poor little soul, she was on a drip having tests, they found numerous tumours in her body so eventually the only option was to PTS. What a horrid time they had, then they had to drive all the way home without her. Afraid their Vet would have got the thick end of my tongue had it been one of ours.
Sorry about that sad tale, but it does show that you can't always rely on the people you trust the most with the animals.
On a better note, fingers crossed that your new venture goes to plan, thinking about you. :love4

Re: Ooh aaaarrrr!

Post by superjazz »

Thanks for latest news, glad you have found a good Vet for Bentley who is understanding.
Lets hope all goes well and you get into your permanent home very shortly.
Best wishes from us.
Pat , Syd & Katie
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Re: Ooh aaaarrrr!

Post by janrobinson »

lots of love and good wishes for your new venture. Pleased you have found a nice vet, there are lots of the other kind around you just have to sort them out. Big hug for Bentley. :love4
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